Our Specialisms.

We are specialists
in what we do.

Consumer sentiment & experience.

We understand what is going on in the lives of consumers across UK regions. In particular, we recognise the challenges they may be facing due to life events or external influences such as COVID-19 and Brexit. 

With our finger continually on the pulse, we can reach out to consumers anywhere from the Highlands of Scotland to the villages of Cornwall and everywhere in-between. By going beyond the big cities, we bring you a more rounded view, capturing the diverse range of lifestyles and opinions that exist across the UK.

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NPD & product reviews.

We have extensive experience of research to develop and market test new propositions or refine existing products. Our expertise ranges from financial products to media content and FMCG goods.

Importantly, we always carry out a pre-project video interview stage, FREE of charge. This helps our clients refine their propositions and objectives before the research takes place. As a result, the research is perfectly targeted and any consumer misinterpretations are tackled before the budget is spent.

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Meet the customer events.

A pub, a community centre, zoom calls or online discussion groups; we provide the opportunity for decision makers to get up close and personal with consumers and business owners. Whatever the setting, we create a forum that promotes open discussion and honest feedback about the challenges people face, the service they have received, what they expect from companies and much more.


Documentaries & ethnos.

We love people and we love film. By putting the two together, we create insightful consumer stories that quickly get to the heart of what people really think.

We’ll help you structure your research objectives and then manage the entire video production schedule. We can film consumers in several key environments such as the home, or car, to reveal the values, beliefs and consumption patterns that drive their behaviours. We also encourage direct client participation, when appropriate, which often enhances and deepens the learnings discovered.

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Quick turnaround insight.

When you need to get a point across internally, a short film of consumers speaking honestly is often more valuable than a lengthy presentation. With our quick turnaround video service, we can go onto the street or tap into a panel of respondents to get their opinion in record time.

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Workshop & conference materials.

We’ll work with you to develop engaging workshop and conference materials with collateral that packs a punch and creates a lasting impression.  

Our digital printing partners can turn materials around within 24 hours to hit even the tightest deadlines.   

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“The best insurance policy for the future of an industry is research, which will help it to foresee future lines of development, to solve its immediate problems.”

– Sir Harold Hartley